Friday, October 23, 2015

What's in my Dance Bag? Part 2: Things I Need

Hey there!

This is the second in the series of What's in my Dance Bag, the things I need in my dance bag. If you are wondering, yes they are being split into different posts because one post was too long. If you would like all the What's in my Dance Bag posts, go to the bottom of this post and click the label that says What's in my Dance Bag. Now here is your post: 

These are the things I need in my bag. They are, IcyHot, Ice Breakers Coolmint, a tennis ball and a bouncy ball. IcyHot, or in other words magic, is like instant pain remover. This works great for cramps, sore muscles, or feet that hurt. I use this before and after practice. It helps me forget that I am in pain and just focus on dancing. I have to say this is my favorite thing in my dance bag, which is a big deal because that means I like it more than my pointe shoes. Ice Breakers, are lifesavers. A lot of times I end up eating before I go to dance and my breath smells pretty bad. So I just eat one and then I'm good. They also just taste really good. You might be wondering, why do I need a tennis ball? To roll out my feet. Rolling out my feet loosens up the muscles in my feet and makes it easer to articulate my feet. It's amazing. The bouncy ball is used for the same reason, but it focuses on more specific places. It was given to me by Gold Medalist Nikki Stone. She came in to tell us about recovery and how she kept trying even when she blew out her back. It was really inspiring. At the end of the presentation she gave us the bouncy balls and said they should be a reminder that when we hit rock bottom, we can bounce right back up.
Of course I have bobby pins, hair ties and a head band. KEEP HAIR TIES IN YOUR BAG. It's a really good idea, you'll never know when you, or someone else will need one. I suggest keeping bobby pins in an empty box, empty mint container, or a thing that you are supposed to keep chapstick in. I love this head band, it's thin but keeps my hair back. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BOBBY PIN YOUR HEADBAND ON! If not It will fly off your head when you're doing turns and it will hit someone in the face. Too many experiences with that....
I also keep candy in my bag, not a good idea, but if you really are craving chocolate, then it's okay. I would recommend keeping a healthy snack such as granola, snap peas or nuts in your bag. I also have another pair of socks. These are for tap shoes they are really nice and make it so then you don't get blisters. Do you see the spot on the back of it, that's blood.

Your welcome :)

Thank you so much for reading my blog, I hope you found this entertaining, or you learned something new. This series will be going on for a little while by the end I expect about 3 or 4 posts. Thanks so much for tuning in.

- Ali Grace

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