Everything Postable

So on this page I'm going to put anything and everything that I could possibly post about here and eventually you will have a chance to vote on it. This is here mostly so then I don't run out of ideas and also for you to get a sneak peak about what's next. If you see a topic you really like that isn't on this list, or a topic that is on this list you want to vote on next week, please put it in the comments.

- Auditions
- Dance workout
- Full story of my dancing life (Might possible be in my about me page, we'll see)
- Foot care
- Habits you develop as a dancer
- Dance family
- Pointe shoes
- Top ten things I love about ballet
- Crosstraining
- Heathy things to help you power up before a audition/dance day ect.
- Choreography
- Another Nutcracker post (this will happen)
- Performance day preparation
- My dance stuff (Don't know why you would want this, but still putting it up)
- How to never give up
- Lets talk about turns
- How to make ballet look easy
- Remembering combos
- Heathy habits to develop as a dancer
- How to make dance dancey
- How to relive sore stuff
- How to be ballerina all the time
- My warm up routine
- Stretching
- My obsession with Discount Dance
- Try try again
- Things I hate about ballet
- How to always be excited for dance
- So you want to be a ballerina behind the scenes  

P.S. These are posted in not particular order.
More to come later!
Make sure to comment on what you would like to see next!
Thank you for reading!
- Ali Grace


  1. Post about costumes!!!

    1. It's funny you should say that because I'm actually working on that right now!! :)
      P.S. Thanks for the idea ;)
