Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Battle between Ballet and my Life

Hi there!

This post was due along time ago because you voted on it, now a new poll is up if you want to vote for next week's blog. So I'm doing this a little different than I normally do my posts, I'm doing it in conversations between dance and various other things such as sleep, P.E. and social life. I think this helps to bring the pointe across (ha ha see what I did there) and brings a little humor. Here goes nothing!

Anywhere with long hallways
Dance: I'm going to Chaines down this whole hallway
Life: DON'T DO IT!!!!
Dance: YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!!
Life: People are looking.
Dance: YAY!!!!! That means I'll have an audience...
*does Chaines down the whole hallway*
Life: Don't I know that person?
*covers eyes and walks away fast*
Photo Courtesy of: quotesgram
Dance vs. Social life
Person: Hey wanna hang out tomorrow?
Me: Let's see I have ballet from 5:00 - 6:30 and conditioning from 4:00-5:00
Person: Okay, Saturday?
Me: I have two rehearsals we could do in-between.
Person: *walks away defeated*
Dance vs. School
School: Homework time!
Dance: Time to fix the elastics on your pointe shoes!
School: Homework time!
Dance: Remember how you couldn't that combo, let's practice that.
School: Homework time!
Dance: Time to randomly choreograph every song you know
School: I give up.
Dance vs. Friends
Social life: You should start to make new friends outside of dance.
Dance: I have tons of friends.
Social life: Ya, but how many of them aren't dancers
Dance: 1...1.....2 um she dances but not at my studio does that count?
Dance vs. P.E.
Dance: I can do this!
P.E.: Oh ya?
*P.E. teacher says to run laps*
Dance: How long have we been running?!?!
P.E.: Not even one lap.
Dance: Why is this so hard for me!!!!! I can run around all day with pointe shoes on and go to a 2 1/2 class on Friday but I can't even run one lap?!?
P.E.: This is pathetic.
This is sooooo true.
Photo courtesy of: Pinterest
Dance vs. Sleep
Sleep: Time to go to bed!
Dance: Okay just let me go through every dance in my head.
Sleep: STOP!!! Just go to bed!
Dance: Wait, did I take my toe pads out of my pointe shoes?
Sleep: Alright do that but if you want to be able to dance tomorrow you have to sleep.
Dance: Oh no! I can't go to bed without cleaning my blister!!!!
Sleep: *sighs*
Dance vs. Body
Body: OWWW!!! This hurts stop!!!!
Dance: But I've almost got my 90ยบ arabesque!!
Body: My blister just popped. New record a blister made and popped in one hour and half class.
Body: You know your going to be sore tomorrow.
Dance: Ya but I'll be stronger!
*next day*
Body: Can't ...... move.
Dance: And I have dance today.

I hope you liked that!!! It was a ton of fun to write and I hope you found it relatable and funny. Thank you so much for reading my blog!!!!!

- Ali Grace

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