Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hey There!

Hi! My name is Ali Grace, and I'm a dancer at Park City Dance. I love dancing and I believe this year will be my tenth year in ballet. Ballet is my passion and I'm very excited to be able to share my journey, tips, tricks and ideas with you! This blog will also go over what it's like to be a dancer, outside and in the studio. I also love to choreograph, and hope to be a prima ballerina, or choreograph someday. I love dance because I can do it whenever I want, wherever I want. It's not like other things where you might need a piano, a ball, or a net, to dance all you need is yourself. I dance when I'm happy, I dance when I'm sad, I dance when I'm tired, and I dance when I'm wide awake. I love dancing so it's good that I am able to do it a lot.

I want my blog to be interactive with my readers and write what is interteresting to you, so it would be make me really happy if you could tell me what you would like to hear next. (click one or more answers on the side of this post) If you don't see a topic you like feel free to email me at After reading these posts I hope you are more educated about the life of ballerina or at least entertained.

Before I go here are the top 5 things dancers wish you knew. Most of my posts might look something like this, or along the lines of this:

Top 5 things Dancers wish you knew:
1. Ballet is a sport
Ballet has been and always will be a sport. We are athletes and work just as hard as you do. All dancers put sweat, tears and blood into their sport.
2. Although we might be beautiful in the studio we are not always
Like my ballet teacher Juliana said, "We are only allowed a certain amount of gracefulness in our lives, and I have used mine up!" Although ballet dancers might look beautiful on stage they aren't always like that in real life. Take me for example, I am very very clumsy, do not trust me with anything fragile! :)
3. We always try our hardest
As ballet dancers we are pushed to try our hardest so we always strive for perfection. This is good, until you run our of time to do everything perfectly. It can stress ballet dancers out because they are always push themselves to be perfect
4. Everything on our body cracks
My neck, my hips, my back, my feet it will all cracks and sound like it's braking at least once a day. Although it might sound like it hurts it really doesn't, it feels good, surprisingly!
5. Just because I'm a dancer it doesn't mean I'm flexible
When I'm not warm I'm not flexible. If a you are not warm you can pull/tear your muscles and it's not fun. Dancers might not be flexible of genetics, if their hips are not the flexible, they don't have a great range motion. (like me) Just because we're dancers doesn't mean were flexible!

Thank you so much for reading my blog!!!

- Ali Grace

Me at the studio
(Photo taken by Taylor)


  1. That's a gorgeous picture❤️

    1. Thank you! Taylor ( took it :)
